I am happy to report that after eight separate attempts to find comet Mc Naught which were hampered by clouds I finally succeeded on tracking down this exciting comet this evening (Jan 9th). I packed my ETX 90mm with 40mm 1.25" (31X) eyepiece (FOV=2 degrees), 10X50mm binoculars, camera and tripod into a rucksack and walked several hundred metres to a location which on an elevated position providing me with a good SW horizon. The sky was 97% clear with trans = 8/10. I set up my gear and watched the sun set while ignoring the strange looks I was getting from neighbours walking by and waited. Brilliant Venus emerged out of the twilight first then at 16.40 UT I spotted Mc Naught in very bright blue twilight well placed in the SW sky approx 18 degrees west of Venus. The comet was gorgeous!, I could easily see it with the naked eye including it's bright high surface brightness white dust tail pointing to the NW at a 45 degree angle.